Sun Life Case Study

Leading insurance provider leveraged programmatic DOOH to activate first ever data-driven campaign targeting airport travelers across JCDecaux’s airport panels.
Leading insurance provider leveraged programmatic DOOH to activate first ever data-driven campaign targeting airport travelers across JCDecaux’s airport panels.


Sun Life Hong Kong

Havas Hong Kong

Leading insurance provider leveraged programmatic DOOH to activate first ever data-driven campaign targeting airport travelers across JCDecaux’s airport panels.

Leading insurance provider leveraged programmatic DOOH to activate first ever data-driven campaign targeting airport travelers across JCDecaux’s airport panels.

Core Objective

Sun Life Hong Kong wanted to establish top-of-mind brand awareness with its key target audience as they commuted through Hong Kong’s international airport.


In partnership with Hivestack and Havas Media HK, Sun Life harnessed the power of programmatic technology to execute a fully automated, geo-targeted DOOH campaign by serving strategic and contextually relevant creatives to two key audience groups; passengers arriving on flights from China and passengers arriving on flights from the rest of the world. The ads were served across JCDecaux Transport’s digital panels located within Hong Kong’s International Airport arrivals baggage reclaim hall.

Leveraging the Hivestack Demand Side Platform (DSP), Sun Life was able to swiftly adapt the creative based on specific flight data relating to its audience (country of origin & arrival timings) to optimize reach and campaign budget. For example, the ads in Simplified Chinese were activated and served for 2 hours upon the arrival of flights from Chinese cities. The english creative was only served upon the arrival of international flights, targeting other international travelers commuting through Hong Kong’s International Airport from the rest of the world. 


Programmatic DOOH enabled Sun Life Insurance to target passengers based on the origin of each flight. The result was a personalized, contextually relevant campaign served in different languages to specific audience groups. 

While passengers moved through Hong Kong’s International Airport, the high impact creatives gained unprecedented reach and exposure, totalling to over 1.7M impressions.


“Contextually relevant and highly targeted messaging has long been proven to be more effective, but the challenge has always been to deliver this in a cost-efficient way in the DOOH channel. Thanks to Hivestack’s DSP capabilities, we’ve enabled Sun Life to fully optimize campaign budgets and activate creatives in different languages based on flight activation data seamlessly!” - Louis Ng, Head of Programmatic & Paid Social, Havas Media HK